Job Description Wizard FAQs powered by CareerOneStop

What does this tool do?

The CareerOneStop Job Description Wizard provides a starting point for creating a job description that you can download 'as is' or edit online and then download. The initial job description is created based on occupation-specific data collected by the Occupational Information Network (O*NET).

Where does this information come from?

The information for occupation "purpose," "knowledge," "skills," "work context," "tasks," "work activities," and "tools and technology" data are from the O*NET 24.0 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA. The "education and experience" data come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections, Education and training assignments, by detailed occupation, 2018.

How do I get started?

  1. Enter an Occupation
    • (You will see an autocomplete job search option while entering. The location defaults to California.)
  2. Select Search; and then a full job description will be displayed for that occupation.

What should I do if I don't know the official name of an occupation?

Type a keyword related to the job you want to describe. You'll see a list of related occupations appear under the box. If you don't see what you're looking for, try a different keyword.

What categories are included in the Job Description Wizard?

Each Job description includes seven categories. Each category is pre-filled with the most common information or data for that occupation as determined by CareerOneStop. Because this tool is intended to be a starting point, you have the ability to keep, delete or change to suit your particular needs. The seven categories are:

  • Job purpose
  • Education and experience
  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Work context
  • Tasks
  • Activities
  • Tools and technology

What can I do with the results?

Once you see your full job description, you can customize it and then download, or just download as presented and modify from your desktop. Consult with legal counsel regarding any legal requirements pertaining to you.

Online Edits

  • Edit: Select a specific category to modify from the left side menu. Once you select an "Edit" button, you'll see the current text displayed in an editable textbox. You can add, modify, and delete text, plus change the format.
  • Save Changes: To keep any modifications, select Save button above the editing field.
  • Exclude this category: To remove entire categories from your final version, mark the checkbox "Exclude this category"
  • Reset: To start a new search, click the "Reset" button near the Search field.

Why are some skills marked with asterisks (*)?

O*NET matches skills with occupations and ranks these matches with a numerical value. The Job Description Wizard results include all O*NET skills, but those skills with a match value of 2.5 or higher are considered important, and marked with an asterisk.

Download Results

To save your final job description, select Preview, then select the file format or print option.